Shipping Methods
After receiving your confirmation email, please allow 2-5 business days for your order to be processed depending on Non vs Customized products. Once processed, depending if you ordered a Non-customized vs a Customized product, shipping standards will differ.
Please also check our FAQ's section to know which countries we do and do not ship to.
Please see our shipping methods below:
**Please Note: Due to COVID-19 shipping times within the United States may be extended to 2-3 weeks. International shipping times may be extended to 2-4 weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience**
For Non-Customized Products
Standard |
Overnight |
Express |
Destinations within the USA |
Canada |
Destinations outside the USA & Canada |
Please be advised that ‘Overnight’ shipping is only for domestic orders and will automatically be designated as propriety in our system. Additionally, all international shipments that have chosen ‘Express’ shipping will be designated as priority in our system (express or standard shipping may not be available for all destinations). Any order and shipments designated for outside of the USA may be subject to and incur customs fees depending on the destination country. Should you still have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ page or email us at
For Customized Products
Standard |
Premium |
Express |
Destinations within the USA |
Destinations outside the USA |